Happy February to everyone of course but not to those pesky cockroaches. Why? February is a big concern month for cockroaches. Their nesting pattern leads to hatchings of new generations of cockroach every 4-6 weeks. Once they begin hatching, they are a pain to get rid of. The most persistent cockroaches you commonly see in your home, found primarily in kitchens and bathrooms, are German cockroaches.  German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is a small species of cockroach, typically about (1.1 to 1.6 cm) (0.43 to 0.63 in) long. In color it varies from tan to almost black, it has two dark, roughly parallel, streaks on the pronotum running anteroposterior from behind the head to the base of the wings. Adult American cockroaches average between 1.4” to 1.6” (35-41mm) in length, but they can grow to exceed 2”. American cockroaches are reddish brown in color with a yellow band that outlines the area behind their head. Both males and females have wings and can fly short distances. Another larger roach is the oriental cockroach, also known as the water bug or black beetle, is a large species of cockroach, adult males being 18–29 mm and adult females being 20–27 mm. It is dark brown or black in color and has a glossy body. Roaches are nocturnal creatures and usually spend most of their days hiding away in the dark, but their metamorphosis cycle continues all year round.

What is attracting these cockroaches to my home? With everyday living many nonchalant behaviors we think are harmless may be leading to cockroaches. For example, dirty dishes in the sink, garbage, excess moisture and crumbs on the floors and counters, even pet food. Wiping the sinks and bathtub dry after each use will lessen populations because insects need more water than food.

How do you prevent these cockroaches from entering your home? Good question. Preventative measures such as, a clean & tidy living area, wash dishes and put them away after meals, clean crumbs and spills immediately, take out the garbage before going to bed and remove grease from the stovetop. Dixie Exterminators, Inc. is an advocate of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. Pest Exclusion is always viable to sealing up construction gaps and applying chemical treatments on the perimeter of home.

This information was provided by one of our preferred vendors, Dixie Exterminators, Inc.

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